Warning! This article may contain spoilers.

The Kid Icarus: Uprising Original Soundtrack is, as the name suggests, the original soundtrack for the game Kid Icarus: Uprising. It was composed by Motoi Sakuraba, Yuzo Koshiro, Masafumi Takada, Noriyuki Iwadare, Takahiro Nishi, and Yasunori Mitsuda, which were many of the same artists who worked on Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

3 Disk Soundtrack[]


Shin Hikari Shinwa: Palutena no Kagami Original Soundtrack (新・光神話 パルテナの鏡 オリジナル・サウンドトラック) is the 3 Disk version of the soundtrack that was released in Japan by Sleigh Bells and Procyon Studio on August 21st, 2012.

First edition versions, marked by a gold sticker on the upper right-hand corner of the case, include AR Cards for the Daybreak and Pit (Revived).

The length of the first disk is 1:16:15, the length of the second disk is 1:03:59, and the length of the third disk is 1:15:53, giving it a total play time of 3:36:07.

Track List[]

Disc 1[]

# Title Translation In-game English title
01 オープニング Opening -
02 1章 パルテナ再臨 Chapter 1: Palutena's Second Coming Ch. 1: The Return of Palutena
03 1章 最初の街 Chapter 1: The First Town That First Town (Ch. 1)
04 ボス戦1 Boss Battle 1 Boss Fight 1
05 2章 魔王とマグナ Chapter 2: Demon King and Magna Ch. 2: Magnus and the Dark Lord
06 2章 魔王ガイナスの城 Chapter 2: Demon King Gainas's Castle Dark Lord Gaol's Castle (Ch. 2)
07 マグナのテーマ Magna's Theme Magnus's Theme
08 3章 ヒュードラーの首 Chapter 3: Hewdraw's Necks Ch. 3: Heads of the Hewdraw
09 3章 炎の街 Chapter 3: Burning Town That Burning Town (Ch. 3)
10 4章 死神の視線 Chapter 4: Reaper's Line of Sight Ch. 4: The Reaper's Line of Sight
11 4章 死神砦 Chapter 4: Reaper Fortress Reaper Fortress (Ch. 4)
12 5章 パンドーラの罠 Chapter 5: Pandora's Trap Ch. 5: Pandora's Labyrinth of Deceit
13 5章 トラップダンジョン Chapter 5: Trap Dungeon Into the Labyrinth (Ch. 5)
14 6章 黒いピット Chapter 6: Black Pit Ch. 6: Dark Pit
15 6章 神殿の廃墟 Chapter 6: Ruins of the Temple Ruins of the Temple (Ch. 6)
16 ブラックピットのテーマ Black Pit's Theme Dark Pit's Theme
17 7章 深海に潜む神殿 Chapter 7: The Temple Hidden in the Depths of the Sea Ch. 7: The Seafloor Palace
18 7章 海底神殿 Chapter 7: Undersea Temple At the Seafloor Palace (Ch. 7)
19 8章 天かける星賊船(Aルート) Chapter 8: Soaring Star Thief Ship (A Route) Ch. 8: The Space-Pirate Ship
20 8章 天かける星賊船(Bルート) Chapter 8: Soaring Star Thief Ship (B Route)
21 8章 星賊船 Chapter 8: Star Pirate Ship In the Space-Pirate Ship (Ch. 8)
22 9章 決戦! メデューサ Chapter 9: Decisive Battle! Medusa Ch. 9: Medusa's Final Battle
23 9章 冥界ガーディアン Chapter 9: Underworld Guardian Underworld Gatekeeper (Ch. 9)
24 9章 冥府城(エントランス) Chapter 9: Underworld Castle (Entrance) Underworld Castle Entrance (Ch. 9)
25 冥府城 Underworld Castle Underworld Castle (Ch. 9)
26 ボス戦2 Boss Battle 2 Boss Fight 2
27 ニセエンディング Fake Ending -

Disc 2[]

# Title Translation In-game English title
01 ハデスのテーマ Hades's Theme Hades's Infernal Theme
02 10章 願いのタネ(火山ルート) Chapter 10: The Wish Seed (Volcano Route) Ch. 10: The Wish Seed
03 10章 願いのタネ(洞窟ルート) Chapter 10: The Wish Seed (Cave Route)
04 10章 不死の山 Chapter 10: Mountain of Immortality Phoenix Mountain (Ch. 10)
05 11章 自然王ナチュレ Chapter 11: Nature Monarch Nachure Ch. 11: Viridi, Goddess of Nature
06 11章 初期化爆弾の森 Chapter 11: Initialization Bomb Forest Reset Bomb Forest (Ch. 11)
07 12章 初期化爆弾の恐怖 Chapter 12: Horror of the Initialization Bomb Ch. 12: Wrath of the Reset Bomb
08 12章 初期化爆弾要塞(外部) Chapter 12: Initialization Bomb Fortress (Exterior) Reset Bomb Depot Exterior (Ch. 12)
09 12章 初期化爆弾要塞(内部) Chapter 12: Initialization Bomb Fortress (Interior) Reset Bomb Depot Interior (Ch. 12)
10 13章 月の静寂 Chapter 13: Tranquility of the Moon Ch. 13: The Lunar Sanctum
11 13章 月の神殿 Chapter 13: Temple of the Moon At the Sanctum (Ch. 13)
12 14章 電光石火の激突 Chapter 14: The Clash of Lightning Speed Ch. 14: Lightning Battle
13 14章 雷雲の庭園 Chapter 14: Thundercloud Garden Thunder Cloud Temple (Ch. 14)
14 15章 謎の侵略者 Chapter 15: Mysterious Invaders Ch. 15: Mysterious Invaders
15 15章 オーラム大陸 Chapter 15: Aurum Continent Aurum Island (Ch. 15)
16 16章 オーラムの驚異 Chapter 16: Aurum's Wonders Ch. 16: The Aurum Hive
17 16章 オーラム要塞 Chapter 16: Aurum Fortress In the Aurum Hive (Ch. 16)
18 17章 新生オーラム Chapter 17: Aurum Reborn Ch. 17: The Aurum Brain
19 17章 オーラムブレイン要塞(前編) Chapter 17: Aurum Brain Fortress (First Part) To the Aurum Brain (Ch. 17)
20 17章 オーラムブレイン要塞(後編) Chapter 17: Aurum Brain Fortress (Latter Part)

Disc 3[]

# Title Translation In-game English title
01 18章 三年後の街(少女) Chapter 18: Town of Three Years (Girl) Little Girl's Theme (Ch. 18)
02 18章 三年後の街(犬) Chapter 18: Town of Three Years (Dog) Dog's Theme (Ch. 18)
03 18章 三年の歳月 Chapter 18: Passing of Three Years Ch. 18: The Ring of Chaos
04 19章 光の戦車 Chapter 19: Chariot of Light Ch. 19: The Lightning Chariot
05 19章 銀河の聖域 Chapter 19: The Galactic Sanctuary Lightning Chariot Base (Ch. 19)
06 20章 女神の魂 Chapter 20: The Soul of a Goddess Ch. 20: Palutena's Temple
07 20章 崩壊エンジェランド Chapter 20: Collapsed Angeland Destroyed Skyworld (Ch. 20)
08 21章 混沌の狭間 Chapter 21: Between the Chaos Ch. 21: The Chaos Vortex
09 21章 混沌の浮島 Chapter 21: The Floating Island of Chaos Chaos Island (Ch. 21)
10 22章 焼け落ちた羽根 Chapter 22: Burned Feathers Ch. 22: Scorched Feathers
11 23章 決戦! ハデス Chapter 23: Decisive Battle! Hades Ch. 23: Lord of the Underworld
12 23章 ハデスの胃袋 Chapter 23: Hades's Stomach Hades's Belly (Ch. 23)
13 24章 三つの試練 Chapter 24: The Three Trials Ch. 24: The Three Trials
14 25章 戦いに終止符を Chapter 25: The End to the Battle Ch. 25: The War's End
15 ピース Peace -
16 凱旋 Triumph Triumph Over Hades
17 スタッフロール Staff Roll Credits
18 メインテーマ Main Theme Kid Icarus: Uprising
19 HOME HOME Solo Menu
20 みんなで With Everyone Together Menu
21 試合結果 Match Results Match Results
22 ボスバトル勝利 Boss Battle Victory -
23 ヤラレチャッタ Yararechatta I'm Finished!
24 HOME(ナチュレ) HOME (Nature) Solo Menu (Viridi)

Music Selection[]


Shin Hikari Shinwa: Palutena no Kagami Music Selection (新・光神話 パルテナの鏡 ミュージックセレクション) is the 1 Disk version of the soundtrack, released only for Club Nintendo members in Japan on March 22nd, 2012.

This version is roughly one-third the length of the 3 Disk version, having a total play time of 1:11:54.

Track List[]

# Title Translation In-game English title
01 オープニング Opening -
02 メインテーマ Main Theme Kid Icarus: Uprising
03 1章 パルテナ再臨 Chapter 1: Palutena Second Coming Ch. 1: The Return of Palutena
04 1章 最初の街 Chapter 1: The First Town That First Town (Ch. 1)
05 ボス戦1 Boss Battle 1 Boss Fight 1
06 2章 魔王とマグナ Chapter 2: Demon King and Magna Ch. 2: Magnus and the Dark Lord
07 マグナのテーマ Magna's Theme Magnus's Theme
08 3章 炎の街 Chapter 3: Burning Town That Burning Town (Ch. 3)
09 4章 死神の視線 Chapter 4: The Reaper's Line of Sight Ch. 4: The Reaper's Line of Sight
10 ブラックピットのテーマ Black Pit's Theme Dark Pit's Theme
11 7章 海底神殿 Chapter 7: Undersea Temple At the Seafloor Palace (Ch. 7)
12 8章 星賊船 Chapter 8: Star Pirate Ship In the Space-Pirate Ship (Ch. 8)
13 ハデスのテーマ Hades's Theme Hades's Infernal Theme
14 12章 初期化爆弾の恐怖 Chapter 12: Horror of the Initialization Bomb Ch. 12: Wrath of the Reset Bomb
15 12章 初期化爆弾要塞(外部) Chapter 12: Initialization Bomb Fortress (Exterior) Reset Bomb Depot Exterior (Ch. 12)
16 14章 電光石火の激突 Chapter 14: The Clash of Lightning Speed Ch. 14: Lightning Battle
17 15章 謎の侵略者 Chapter 15: Mysterious Invaders Ch. 15: Mysterious Invaders
18 18章 三年後の街(犬) Chapter 18: Town of Three Years (Dog) Dog's Theme (Ch. 18)
19 18章 三年の歳月 Chapter 18: Time of Three Years Ch. 18: The Ring of Chaos
20 19章 銀河の聖域 Chapter 19: Sanctuary of the Galaxy Lightning Chariot Base (Ch. 19)
21 20章 女神の魂 Chapter 20: Soul of the Goddess Ch. 20: Palutena's Temple
22 20章 崩壊エンジェランド Chapter 20: Collapsed Angeland Destroyed Skyword (Ch. 20)
23 スタッフロール Staff Roll Credits
24 ヤラレチャッタ Yararechatta I'm Finished!
25 HOME(ナチュレ) HOME (Nature) Solo Menu (Viridi)

Comments by Masahiro Sakurai[]

Nintendo UK's official website has a subpage for a handful of tracks from Kid Icarus: Uprising, providing commentary from Masahiro Sakurai about each piece.

Main Theme[]

The original Kid Icarus game, released in 1986, contained several great songs that remain memorable today. Each one of these songs is included in this new game, though the recordings and arrangements are different. We did think, however, that Kid Icarus: Uprising required its own main theme, which is why we produced this song.

This is the song that plays on the Main Menu, and also when the player is "at home" - that is, the place where Pit and Palutena live. Indeed, we have come to treat this song as though it is "Palutena's Theme".[1]

Magnus's Theme[]

This song starts playing after the player has encountered Magnus during the Land Battle in Chapter 2. Magnus is also aiming to take down the Dark Lord Gaol, and decides to fight alongside Pit.

The music that plays during Chapter 2's Air Battle and in Gaol's castle is a different arrangement of this song, based around the same motif. The song that plays in Gaol's castle, that is, the one that plays before Pit meets Magnus, has a slightly quieter feeling. This song is more stirring, and therefore provides a nice contrast.[2]

Dark Pit's Theme[]

Dark Pit appears to be Pit's rival (?). His theme song is a guitar composition created with a duel from old Westerns in mind. Since it's played on an acoustic guitar there's a certain Spanish flavour to it.

There are several arrangements of this song. During the "Light Versus Dark" multiplayer mode, the song is played when the angel appears. A rather quiet arrangement plays when there is one angel in play, with another track added when both angels are in play.[3]

The Reaper's Line of Sight[]

For this song, we used a live recording. The power of flight lasts for five minutes, during which the scenery will change a great deal. As a result, the music that plays during aerial battles is continually changing to match the scenery and the battle situation.

This is a recording of the music that plays during the Chapter 4 Air Battle, from start to finish. During the game, the player will proceed through the skies, wasteland, valleys and arrive at the Reaper Fortress. Note however, that sometimes the music will stop playing during the early parts.[4]

Boss Battle[]

I've worked on many different games. Naturally these have included many songs that could be considered "boss themes". I think the boss themes in this title really stand out, however, and are some of the best I've been involved with. Many boss themes are imposing, powerful songs, or ones that sound rather oppressive.

The boss themes in this game, however, are positive: encouraging the player to fight and win. I think this fits in with the game concept in general.[5]

Space Pirate Theme[]

The Space Pirates are a military force quite different from the Underworld Army. They are said to soar through the galaxy, using the blade on the bow of their ship to sever constellations so that they can snatch up the stars.

As the name suggests, the Space Pirate Theme was written with the mixture of seafaring pirates and outer space in mind. Though easy to remember, the melody is full of tension, because the Space Pirates are pretty tough! This theme is also used to alert the player that the Space Pirate captain has spotted an intruder on board his ship.[6]

Practice Arena[]

The Practice Range is a place where players prepare before they begin a multiplayer battle. It's a good place to see how much damage weapons and powers can do, so be sure to try out all sorts of techniques. What's more, there is no limit on how many times powers can be used in the Practice Range.

This song has a light feeling and a really analogue tone - we were actually intending to use this song somewhere completely different, but we thought it was just right for the tense build-up to a multiplayer game.[7]

Hades's Infernal Theme[]

I'm sure that anyone who's played the game knows this, but this game's story really gets started when Hades, Lord of the Underworld, and Viridi, Goddess of Nature, appear! Hades is the main Underworld boss, but his optimistic nature doesn't really go well with a Medusa-style, serious atmosphere. As a result, this song is a mixture of chaos, violence, and a circus-like feeling.

However, I am aware that the chorus in the middle of the song involves a chant of "Hades!"[8]

Wrath of the Reset Bomb[]

The medley at the start of this song is used as the theme for Viridi (the Goddess of Nature), with its structure and arrangement changed in various places.

This song was originally only made for the Air Battle from the Chapter where the player attacks the Reset Bomb, but I just became really captivated by it, and it basically became the theme song for the Forces of Nature. Though there are lots of Air Battles in this Chapter, this one is my favourite.[9]

Aurum Island[]

At a certain point, the mysterious alien civilisation from Aurum Island suddenly appears - and every time we tried to make a song based on that image, we ended up with a techno-pop song. Though I'm not bothered about a song's genre, I didn't want to make it feel cheap. I also wanted it to fit with the game's other songs, so this piece was frequently remade and adjusted.

Halfway through the game, Pyrrhon, the one who calls himself the god of the sun, bursts onto the scene. This song is treated like it's his theme, but when I was listening to it, I didn't want the early part (that plays during the Air Battle) to end.[10]

Lightning Chariot Base[]

The Lightning Chariot Base is home to the Chariot Master. Though it looks like an ordinary tower, we changed the features for every floor to introduce as much variety as possible.

Because this is a big open stage, we aimed to make this song something that players wouldn't get tired of listening to for long periods - something that, although you notice its presence, you don't get bored of. We also wanted to give the player the feeling that this was where the Chariot Master lived, and I think we've managed that.[11]


  • The track "Vault Menu" (コレクション, lit. "Collection") is absent from both versions of the soundtrack.
  • The composition of Dark Pit's Theme is used in five different tracks in the Kid Icarus: Uprising Original Soundtrack: the original song, a remixed version in "Ch. 6: Dark Pit," a slightly stripped down version in "Ruins of the Temple (Ch. 6)," a brief part in "Ch. 9: Medusa's Final Battle," and a brief part during "Credits."

